As another Christmas season winds down, and the controversy of what can and can’t be celebrated worsened yet again, it struck me that the worry over offending anybody with anything whatsoever that smacks of religion might be the the greatest hypocrisy of the decade so far, maybe of the 2000s.
Throughout the 1990s and the first half of the 2000s, the key word in society was diversity. ‘Our diversity makes us stronger’ was the rallying cry, or something similar. But by eliminating religion or the celebration of anything tied to Christmas (face it, the entire mythology of Santa Claus is almost entirely secular) or Hanukkah or Diwali or Ramadan is nothing more than an attempt to make us into vanilla shells.
Wasn’t that the whole argument for promoting Diversity in the first place, to rid us of our vanilla shells? If we were truly diverse, our culture as a whole would be pushing back against the drive to eliminate anything remotely religious from public consciousness. We should be seeing protests on college campuses demanding that all religions be allowed to be practiced freely, that the elimination of any religion or any holiday weakens our culture, and thus weakens us as a people.